The Legendary Birds ( 伝説 ( でんせつ )の 鳥 ( とり ) Densetsu no Tori) are a trio of Legendary Pokémon that resemble birds, consisting of the Ice/ Flying-type Articuno (フリーザー Furiizaa), the Electric/ Flying-type Zapdos (サンダー Sandaa), and the Fire/ Flying-type Moltres (ファイヤー Faiyaa). Kanto introduced four Legendary Pokémon: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mewtwo. These Pokémon first appeared in the Kanto region and are often associated with the area.

The first generation Legendary Pokémon ( 伝説 ( でんせつ )のポケモンの 第 ( だい ) 一 ( いち ) 世代 ( せだい ) Densetsu no Pokemon no Dai Ichi-sedai) are the very first legendary Pokémon to be introduced in the Pokémon series.